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What is life and mindset coaching?

Brain Awareness, Thoughts, Feelings

Life Coaching is working with a Life Coach to help you in any area of your life: self esteem, confidence, relationships, work, personal goals, any thing that you want help in that you feel stuck and just don't know how to change it. Do you  always feel bad about yourself, always harsh with yourself, and insecure? Are reactive with your children? Do you have anxiety? Do you fight functional depression? Are you always reading self help books but still feel "stuck" in the same habits or patterns? That is when a life coach comes into play.


Do you want to like your job better? Do you want to see your relationships differently? Do you want a different outlook on life? Do you want to see that you are capable of something you never thought you could do? That is where the mindset part comes in. A life coach can help you create new intentional thoughts on purpose to help you change your perspective, to develop self confidence and create a plan to transform your mindset.

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Achieve the Life of Your Dreams

Support That Makes a Difference

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Neuroscience, Cognitive Behavior Strategies and the Model

I am a Certified Life Coach through LCS.
I am trained in The Model and I use this approach to help clients identify what thoughts and feelings are stopping them from getting what they want in life. We think it is our circumstances but what I teach my clients is how they have more power and control than what we think.
I help my clients understand why their brain does what it does, and how it correlates to the actions they are taking or not taking in their life. I use neuroscience and cognitive behaivor strageties to help my clients gain self awareness and transform their life.

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Meet the Life and Mindset Coach Amber Lynn

I grew up struggling with how I saw myself not only physically but internally, I never felt good enough. I went to college; received two credentials and my Masters in Education and started my career as a Special Education Teacher. I got married had a baby, bought a house and still was not happy. I got a divorce still was not happy. I went to therapy, it helped but I still wasn't moving forward. I read all the self help books. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. I found Kara Loewentheil's podcast Unf*ck your Brain and I learned about life coaching and I learned about the Model and my inner world started to actually change. My Self Worth no longer came from others approval it came from inside of me, My Confidence- I actually had confidence, and it came from me not other people's thoughts of me.

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12 Individualized Sessions

My Life and Mindset Coaching twelve week 1:1 Program is designed and created to meet individual client's needs, wants and desires. My focus is on the result my clients want to create in their life, then we create a plan and attain it. We meet weekly for an hour a week for twelve weeks and receive support through Voxer or Marco Polo in between sessions.  My twelve week program is $1200 and can be paid in full or in four payments of $300. If you need a different kind of payment plan email me. This work is important, its the most valuable work we will do in this life so lets talk and see what works for you.

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Group Membership

In 2024 I am going to be creating a group membership. In this membership clients will have access to courses I have created, a community of like minded women, access to monthly Webinars and live group coaching. This group membership will be $96 a month. Get on the waitlist now to get the first month free! Don't miss out on this opportunity. Email me: Group Membership to get on the waitlist

Life Coaching Services: Services
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